3 Essential D.C. Gluten Free Blogs

By Vickey Casey

There’s a blog for everything these days and many of them are awesome. (We’re writing one that you’re reading so duh) They help us sort through the internet’s clutter and find the things we want. Well this is one of those posts, particularly about gluten free eating.

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CVS Dining in D.C.

By Vickey Casey

We’ve all been there. We have arrived at work and realized that we have forgotten our lunch. This harrowing discovery is made worse by the knowledge that today, because why not today, the world has imploded and you will have to work through your break.

“Hangriness” is real and you know going too long without putting something in your too empty stomach will be detrimental to the success of your day and that of those around you.

The lines for food trucks are way too long and again, you only have a few minutes. It’s also winter so standing outside is as appealing as making a lunch out of vending machine food. Continue reading

Going Bananas For, Well, Bananas!

By Vickey Casey


Photo credit: Aran Burton

Oh the banana, such a simple fruit that feeds millions around the world every day. The uniquely shaped gem does not  grow in the America but, according to the USDA, it accounts for 50 percent of the fresh fruits imported this year and is the number one most consumed fruit.

While you may not have tons of time to shop for and make elaborate meals, here are a few simple banana dishes you can make with things you probably already have at home.

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3 Happy Hours For Less Than $15

By Vickey Casey

The next time you grab some friends and head out to eat and drink your troubles away at a bar, thank prohibition defiers and bored Navy men for the existence of Happy Hour. Thankfully Washington D.C. has kept these legal so we went out and found three pretty awesome ones for you.

Here are three Happy Hours you can enjoy for $15 or less.

Late night sushi – The Hamilton on 14th st NW

Sushi and seafood haters kindly skip down to the next restaurant.

Sushi lovers, this one’s for you. You may not have heard but if you head to the Hamilton at 11 p.m. you can enjoy delectable rolls of rice, seaweed and the aquatic animal of your choice prepared in various ways and served for half the price.

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To Eat Gluten or Not to Eat Gluten – Not a Choice for Everyone

By Vickey Casey


Wheat-free Chocolate Mocha cupcake from Sticky Fingers Bakery

The shop isn’t very big but the sweet showcase is well stocked and inviting. For you, this dizzying array of cookies, cupcakes and brownies would be nothing more than a temptation, a danger.

You look away, sad that you can no longer just grab your favorite treat the way you used to, cavity be damned. But as you turn back, you see it. There in black and white is a little rectangular sign that could make or break your day.

The questions swirl. “Should I do it?”

“Is it worth it?”

“It won’t taste the same.”

“But what’s the harm?”

“One won’t hurt.”

And in truth, as far as your stomach is concerned, it won’t. No one’s around to scoff as you order a wheat-free chocolate mocha cupcake. No one will roll their eyes and ask why when you decided to be gluten-free with that indulgent smirk.

Why? Because you are in a place, Sticky Fingers Bakery in Colombia Heights to be exact, that caters to your needs, your lifestyle, your allergy.

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